
The brochure covers all aspects of audible sound relevant for new power transformer purchases > 3 MVA to be considered in the process from specification until installation. Strict distinction is made between the individual sound level components ‘no-load sound level’, ‘load sound level’ and ‘cooling system sound level’ but the combination of the components is also explained. Key results are provided in easy-to-use graphs. The brochure is also intended to serve as educational document for transformer acoustics.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 940
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
ISBN 978-2-85873-645-4
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
Working groups WG A2.54
File size 13 MB
Pages number 138
Price for non member 250 €
Price for member Free


Christoph PLOETNER, Convenor (DE), Emanuel ALMEIDA, Secretary (PT)

Ali AL-ABADI (DE), Heribert BRUNE (DE), Frank CORNELIUS (DE), Janine DICKINSON (GB), Jan DONCUK (CZ), Gao FEI (CN), Max GILLET (FR), Werner GOETTE (DE), Shingo KANO (JP), Kim JUHYUN (KR), Gabor NADOR (HU), Kyu-ho LEE (KR), Bart SIMONS (NL), Miha PIRNAT (SI), Frank TRAUTMANN (DE), Peter TARMAN (SI), Kohei YAMAGUCHI (JP), Mark WARREN (CA), Jiwoo YOO (KR), Jae-cheol YANG (KR), Selim YUREKTEN (TR), Han YU (CN)

Corresponding Members

Mohinder PANNU (AU), Yuriy ODARENKO (AU)


transformer sound level, transformer noise level, sound power level, sound level specification, transformer specification, transformer installation, radiation efficiency, sound emission, sound mitigation, transformer cooling, cavitation

Power Transformer Audible Sound Requirements
Power Transformer Audible Sound Requirements