
This Technical Brochure presents concepts for on-site HV testing of gas-insulated switchgear after initial installation, repair, retrofit or extension. It reviews testing requirements in worldwide (inter)national standards and collects various return of experience from both OEMs and users for many different on-site HV testing scenarios. Technical drivers for reliability assurance and regulatory requirements are discussed and detailed activities before and after mobilisation to site are highlighted to help stakeholders with limited experience in the planning and layout design of their substation and boundaries.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 920
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Substations and electrical installations (B3)
Working groups WG B3.50
File size 14 MB
Pages number 169
Price for non member 300 €
Price for member Free




Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS), On-site high voltage (HV) testing, Reliability assurance, Return of experience

Concepts for on-site HV testing of GIS after installation, extension, retrofit or repair
Concepts for on-site HV testing of GIS after installation, extension, retrofit or repair