
Given that many problems experienced with fittings in the field of overhead transmission and distribution lines are due to poor handling and installation practices, guidelines have been produced with the aim of promoting good practice to minimise handling and installation problems with fittings and conductors through a questionnaire and experience of the members. The Technical Brochure also includes a comprehensive glossary to identify the various fittings.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 916
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Overhead lines (B2)
Working groups WG B2.50
File size 13 MB
Pages number 138
Price for non member 260 €
Price for member Free




Overhead line, fitting, conductor, inspection, spacer, spacer damper, vibration damper, insulator, handling, installation practice, glossary of term, stringing, tensioning, rollers, come-along, birdcage

Correct handling of fittings and conductors for overhead lines
Correct handling of fittings and conductors for overhead lines