
Power system protection is of great importance to safety and reliability of the power grid. With new generations (such as wind and solar power sources), network structures and load penetrating all over the power system, traditional protection functions are facing challenges. According to the industrial projects, four testing system benchmarks for protection research of the network with high proportion of power electronic devices are provided in this brochure. Start with the control system and get the fault current characteristics, the short-circuit current model of power electronic devices can be established. On this basis, the technical brochure researches the performance of traditional protection in order to determine the protection configuration principles and explore new protection principles. Then, the novel protection principles of renewable energy power plants, AC/DC hybrid system, and DC distribution system are presented. Most of these protection principles are in the theoretical research stage. It is recommended to do more systematic researches for protection of the developing network.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 896
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
Working groups WG B5.48
File size 5 MB
Pages number 120
Price for non member 220 €
Price for member Free




Protection, Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Converters, Inverter Based Resources (IBR), short circuit current, converter control, generation

Protection for developing network with limited fault current capability of generation
Protection for developing network with limited fault current capability of generation