
Synchrophasor systems are critical for future power system monitoring, control and protection. Their deployment requires careful consideration of life-cycle testing to assure the required system performance. The first testing step needed includes product evaluation before purchase to assure compliance with industry standards. The commissioning test, in service periodic test and troubleshooting tests are the next steps need to confirm that the system is deployed correctly, upgrades compatibility is verified, and system maloperations are detected and rectified. The testing steps include both device and end-to-end system evaluation.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 843
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
Working groups WG B5.62
File size 3 MB
Pages number 59
Price for non member 120 €
Price for member Free




Synchrophasor, Phase Measuring Unit (PMU), time synchronisation, data collection, life cycle, maintenance

Life Cycle Testing of Synchrophasor Based Systems used for Protection, Monitoring and Control
Life Cycle Testing of Synchrophasor Based Systems used for Protection, Monitoring and Control