
This Technical Brochure offers an insight into the emerging threat landscape with attention paid to common protection, automation and control systems (PACS). Overlaid on this portrait is the imposition of emerging laws and regulations. From this assessment it was clear that a dramatic sea change will be required to modernize existing EPU policies, procedures, and organizational directives. A well-defined model-based system engineering (MBSE) process was used to define selected views of PACS-centric systems of interest. Using MBSE each impact is associated with recommended solutions to improve the security posture of PACS operations. For example, the capabilities needed to implement an integrated security operation center clearly shows that special personnel skills and advanced analytical tools are badly needed to improve the maturity PACS security posture and to implement a proactive or anticipatory security strategy.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 790
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
Working groups WG B5.66
File size 6 MB
Pages number 103
Price for non member 200 €
Price for member Free




Protection, Automation and Control System (PACS), resilience, cyber security, firewall, authentication, encryption, architecture

Cybersecurity requirements for PACS and the resilience of PAC architectures
Cybersecurity requirements for PACS and the resilience of PAC architectures