
Data from smart meter system has big potential not only for power grid operation and maintenance but also for our society. It is essential to acknowledge the technological requirements for creating use cases of the utilization of data from smart meter system.

This TB reports the current status of smart meter deployment, general outline of use cases and technological requirement for realizing data utilization.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 782
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources (C6)
  • Information Systems, Telecommunications and Cybersecurity (D2)
Working groups JWG C6/D2.32
File size 7 MB
Pages number 89
Price for non member 170 €
Price for member Free




active distribution sytems, distributed energy resources, information systems, telecommunication

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Utilization of data from smart meter system
Utilization of data from smart meter system