
When a transformer is permanently removed from service and scrapped, the opportunity arises to perform a detailed and destructive examination. Not only give such direct measurements the most conclusive results regarding the condition of the transformer, being able to inspect the internal parts makes it possible to capture valuable information on its design and construction as well. Working Group A2.45 developed a systematic approach and a structured procedure for performing a transformer post-mortem analysis. This brochure provides a comprehensive overview of the tasks involved, outlines important theoretical aspects and offers practical considerations/guidelines.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 735
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
Working groups WG A2.45
File size 8 MB
Pages number 129
Price for non member 240 €
Price for member Free




power transformers and reactors

Transformer post-mortem analysis
Transformer post-mortem analysis