
The objective of the Joint Working Group (JWG) C6/B5.25/CIRED is the control and automation systems for the future electric networks with particular reference to the TSO/DSO interface. The Technical Brochure written by JWG is mainly focused to evaluate the level of automation and control necessary to better manage distribution networks with large penetrations of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), as seen from both the TSO and DSO perspectives, and to provide services and information about the two level of management (i.e. at TSO and DSO level).

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 711
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
  • Active distribution systems and distributed energy resources (C6)
Working groups JWG C6/B5.25/CIRED
File size 2 MB
Pages number 67
Price for non member 130 €
Price for member Free




protection and automation, distribution systems and dispersed generation

Control and automation systems for Electricity Distribution Networks (EDN) of the future
Control and automation systems for Electricity Distribution Networks (EDN) of the future