
This TB describes mechanism of copper sulphide formation, provides guidelines for risk assessment and recommendations to network owners and operators how to manage power transformers with sulphur corrosion problems. A number of failure cases caused by sulphur corrosion, i.e. deposition of metallic sulphides in transformer active part are described in TB, together with failure cases statistics. Main mitigation techniques applied to reduce or eliminate risk of transformer failure induced by sulphur corrosion are: addition of metal passivator, oil change and treatment of the oil to remove reactive sulphur species. Effectiveness, side effects and drawbacks of these mitigation techniques are described, together with results of mitigation survey. Cost-effective risk mitigation strategies and recommendations for mitigation in relation to transformer condition assessment are provided in this TB.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 625
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
Working groups WG A2.40
File size 10 MB
Pages number 98
Price for non member 190 €
Price for member Free


Copper sulphide, risk assessment, corrosion, contamination, mitigation, testing

Copper sulphide long term mitigation and risk assessment
Copper sulphide long term mitigation and risk assessment