
The Technical Brochure identifies what is a standardised design philosophy and what are the current levels of standardisation in utilities, consultants and manufacturers related to IEC 61850. It investigates what are the main drivers for a utility to adopt a standardised design philosophy, the main drivers for a supplier/contractor to produce/apply standardised solutions, the short-term benefits that can be achieved, and the total lifetime cost of a standard scheme compared with a non-standard design.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 584
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Protection and automation (B5)
Working groups WG B5.27
File size 1 MB
Pages number 105
Price for non member 200 €
Price for member Free


Network Protection, Protection schemes, Automation and Control System (PACS), short circuit protection, engineering process, standardisartion, benefit

Implications and Benefits of Standardised Protection and Control Schemes
Implications and Benefits of Standardised Protection and Control Schemes