
Polymer nanocomposites are emerging superior dielectrics developed to improve electrical insulation systems of power apparatus and cables. Such advanced materials are excellent in that they can be obtained from conventional polymers or plastics, which are converted into novel materials by adding inorganic nano fillers. They have been exhaustively and critically surveyed on their fundamental material and dielectric characteristics to show present and future applications in the power sectors. Risk assessment of nano fillers is also reported.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 451
Publication year 2011
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Materials and emerging test techniques (D1)
Working groups WG D1.24
File size 19 MB
Pages number 115
Price for non member 220 €
Price for member Free
Polymer Nanocomposites - Fundamentals and possible applications to Power Sectors
Polymer Nanocomposites - Fundamentals and possible applications to Power Sectors