
The objective of this JWG is to advise and formulate philosophies for system operations in order to prepare the on-going energy transition. Primary Frequency Response studies will be carried out (or existing studies will be reviewed) in order to analyse and mitigate against the impact of the reduction of synchronous inertial energy on the power system as a result of integration of non-synchronous renewable generation using various networks around the globe as case studies. The integration of the existing knowledge between system operation and system performance, as well as the interaction with system planning, is crucial to achieve the proposed goals.

Additional informations

Publication type Webinars
Reference WBN022
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power system operation and control (C2)
  • Power system technical performance (C4)
Working groups JWG C2/C4.41
File size 3 MB
Pages number 51
Price for non member 50 €
Price for member Free





power system, technical performance, operation, control

Impact of high penetration of inverter-based generation on system inertia of networks
Impact of high penetration of inverter-based generation on system inertia of networks