
This Brochure reviews the state-of-the-art research activities related to coatings to protect overhead line equipment including insulators, ground wires and conductors in winter conditions, using superhydrophobic/ icephobic coatings. In some cases, such coatings can also provide protection against corrosion and corona discharge. Methods for testing and characterizing various properties of these coatings are also recommended.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_283_3
Publication year 2015
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Overhead lines (B2)
Working groups WG B2.44
File size 261 KB
Pages number 3
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Coatings for Protecting Overhead Power Network Equipment in Winter Conditions
Coatings for Protecting Overhead Power Network Equipment in Winter Conditions