
The TB presents and analyzes different aspects of access and connection procedures, based on contributions from 8 systems in 3 continents (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Republic of Ireland, Great Britain, Brazil and Australia), which are reproduced in detail in the TB. Existing mechanisms are potentially needed for the adequate coordination between “electric” procedures (access and onnection, and grid planning) and the administrative autorisation processes (for generation plants and the associated transmission grid). These are reported and discussed.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_272_4
Publication year 2014
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Power system development and economics (C1)
Working groups WG C1.14
File size 125 KB
Pages number 2
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free
Review of Transmission Planning Access Requirements
Review of Transmission Planning Access Requirements