
This Technical Brochure offers an insight into the evolution of the cyber-physical security threat landscape for the next 20 years. The approach used is well-aligned with the concepts described for the “Grid Architecture of the Future.” Based on the guidance provided by a world-wide survey of stakeholders, the most important issues were addressed. Using a well-defined model-based system engineering process, multiple solutions were analyzed to improve the maturity posture of the technical staff and identify the spy craft tools needed for a proactive or anticipatory response to these threats.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 796
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Information Systems, Telecommunications and Cybersecurity (D2)
Working groups WG D2.46
File size 5 MB
Pages number 88
Price for non member 170 €
Price for member Free




information systems, telecommunication

Cybersecurity: Future threats and impact on electric power utility organizations and operations
Cybersecurity: Future threats and impact on electric power utility organizations and operations