
This TB explains bushing theory and types, the most prominent failure mechanisms and related mitigation measures. Questionnaires regarding bushing in-service failures and their relationship to transformer failure, bushing failures during transformer acceptance tests and regarding bushing diagnostics, maintenance and failure practice have been prepared, promoted, analysed and the results are presented. Bushing periodic and continuous diagnostic methods are explained in detail. For each method, traditional or recently developed, physical and measurement basics, condition decision criteria as well as effectiveness and limitations are provided. Several recommendations for bushing improvement are also given. Material will help to improve bushings and consequently power transformers reliability

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 755
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
Working groups WG A2.43
File size 39 MB
Pages number 124
Price for non member 230 €
Price for member Free




Bushing, reliability, failure analysis, condition assessment, maintenance, diagnostics

Transformer bushing reliability
Transformer bushing reliability