The CIGRE Joint Working Group No. D2/C2.41 is a joint effort between the study committees D2 and C2. It is intended to address the pressing need to provide system operators and operation engineers with better tools for assessing system conditions and to support them on making critical decisions. Such need is imposed by the increasing complexity and interconnectivity of modern electric grids, in addition to the highly stringent reliability, economic, and environmental constraints. This Technical Brochure (TB) surveys and examines current practices, industry trends, and new research on the use of various data sources and analytics tools to enhance situational awareness of system operators, as well as on the data-integration and -management technologies to facilitate effective implementation of data-analytics applications in the control room and to support operation engineers. The content of the Technical Brochure is broken down into the major areas that are relevant for the development and implementation of data-analytics tools, which are: data and information sources, data-analytics techniques to interpret this data, applications of data analytics in system operations, data integration and modelling to integrate data into operations, and data quality. The document has six main sections, each of them addressing one of these topical areas. The content in each section is intended to provide the reader with an informed and comprehensive starting point to understand the relevant issues and challenges in each area. The sections discuss latest advances in terms of data-analytics methodologies, data-management and -integration tools, applications development, and new trends and emerging technologies.
Additional informations
Publication type | Technical Brochures |
Reference | 732 |
Publication year | |
Publisher | CIGRE |
Study committees |
Working groups | JWG C2/D2.41 |
File size | 6 MB |
Pages number | 136 |
Price for non member | 250 € |
Price for member | Free |
Valot, MU