
This Technical Brochure presents findings of the C2.23 WG on the general procedure and practices adopted by 18 transmission system operators (TSOs) over 5 continents, namely: Europe, Asia, Australia, North America and South America. It also presents the major challenges encountered and the key lessons learnt during restoration of the disrupted power grid in recent major disturbances. From these findings, a set of recommendations for follow-up work is made.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 712
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power system operation and control (C2)
Working groups WG C2.23
File size 1 MB
Pages number 39
Price for non member 90 €
Price for member Free




Market Operator, System Operator, Power (Electricity) Exchange, Transmission System Operator (TSO), Independent System Operator (ISO), Reliability Standards, Operations Reliability, Market rules, Market Efficiency, Liberalisation, Deregulation

System restoration procedure and practices
System restoration procedure and practices