
The brochure starts with examining the fundamental processes of electrical ageing of polymeric insulation under dc stress. Then, an overview of diagnostic properties is given to probe the effect of these ageing processes and to determine insulation quality. HVDC testing techniques are described focusing on the tests used for HVDC cable systems from the design phase, via prequalification and type testing to routine testing and diagnostic measurements in service. In the last chapter of the brochure, a number of possible future (on-line) testing methods are presented.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 636
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Materials and emerging test techniques (D1)
Working groups WG D1.23
File size 3 MB
Pages number 53
Price for non member 110 €
Price for member Free
Diagnostics and accelerated life endurance testing of polymeric materials for HVDC application
Diagnostics and accelerated life endurance testing of polymeric materials for HVDC application