
The market now offers plenty of sensors, IEDs, on-line continuous monitoring systems, analysis algorithms and software systems for condition evaluation. However there is no common practice on how to manage the whole process and convert the large amount of data into useful and relevant information. Common ideas and designs would enable the construction of a Transformer Intelligent Condition Monitoring (TICM) System, flexible and extensible enough to meet utility needs now and in the future. This technical brochure provides guidance to manufacturers and utilities on how to: update projects, processes and specifications to utilize better practices, and reach a better use of Condition Monitoring (CM) and diagnostics; improve asset management techniques by the large scale use of integrated information systems; and define the most adequate policies regarding the use of existing on-line continuous monitoring systems and TICM systems.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 630
Publication year
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees
  • Power transformers and reactors (A2)
Working groups WG A2.44
File size 5 MB
Pages number 140
Price for non member 260 €
Price for member Free


intelligent condition monitoring, diagnostics, real-time, system intelligence, condition data, remote monitoring

Guide on transformer intelligent condition monitoring (TICM) systems
Guide on transformer intelligent condition monitoring (TICM) systems