
This paper provides an overview of the historical development of Market Operators, their evolution and how they are organised today. The paper also provides an assessment of the future trend of Market Operator organisation under the influence and drivers for change such as enhanced market efficiency, increased utilisation of demand response, increased penetration of intermittent energy sources and the rapid development of Smart Grid. This overview covers markets in North America, United Kingdom, Northern and Continental Europe, Australia, Japan, South America and South Africa.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 626
Publication year 2015
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Power system operation and control (C2), Electricity markets and regulation (C5)
Working groups JWG C2/C5.05
File size 2 MB
Pages number 38
Price for non member 80 €
Price for member Free
MARKET OPERATORS – Their Evolution, Current Organisation and Future Structure
MARKET OPERATORS – Their Evolution, Current Organisation and Future Structure