
Most of the new underground HV links will be built using XLPE insulated cables. With the retirement of experienced jointers, training of new jointers will be necessary. This TB captures the state of the art of Jointing and is considered a compendium of Best Practice by the SC B1 as of 2009. It is acknowledged that other practices which are not explicitly covered in this brochure are not necessarily bad practices.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 476
Publication year 2011
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Insulated cables (B1)
Working groups WG B1.22
File size 2 MB
Pages number 78
Price for non member 150 €
Price for member Free
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Câbles
Cable Accessory Workmanship on Extruded High Voltage Câbles