
The ongoing development of renewable generation is a challenge for infrastructure operators in transmission and distribution. The increase of this kind of generation leads to technical risks in the system, because of the decentralized characteristic and also because of their volatile generation pattern. The technical brochure describes these risks and shows possible solutions to grant system stability with a high penetration of renewable generation.

Additional informations

Publication type Electra
Reference ELT_289_1
Publication year 2016
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Power system development and economics (C1)
Working groups WG C1.30
File size 2 MB
Pages number 4
Price for non member 20 €
Price for member Free


KAMEL, Feijoo

Technical risks and solutions from periodic, large surpluses or deficits of available renewable generation
Technical risks and solutions from periodic, large surpluses or deficits of available renewable generation