
This report informs on the final JWG results and recommendations in the field of information and control systems security. The objective is to raise the awareness and provides guidance when developing and implementing cyber security in an Electric Power Utility. The report is based on the members' own experiences, existing guidelines, best practices and standards, as well as intermediate results of ongoing work in the field of cyber security.

Additional informations

Publication type Technical Brochures
Reference 317
Publication year 2007
Publisher CIGRE
Study committees Substations and electrical installations (B3), Power system operation and control (C2), Information Systems, Telecommunications and Cybersecurity (D2)
Working groups JWG D2/B3/C2.01
File size 1 MB
Pages number 106
Price for non member 200 €
Price for member Free
Security for information systems and intranets in electric power systems
Security for information systems and intranets in electric power systems